Most of us parents are so busy with day to day life. Between work, school runs, errands and everything else, things around the house can quickly pile up. If left unchecked, clutter can get out of control and take over your home and life. This can be overwhelming for both parents and kids. Taking steps to make your home clutter-free can have many benefits, including reducing stress. It can also improve your focus and make a calmer environment for kids so that they’re not overstimulated. Below you’ll find a breakdown of small, manageable steps to decluttering your home. Be sure to download the declutter checklist printable below as well!
Step 1: Prepare for Success
1. Set a Goal
Walk around your home and determine what rooms and areas need decluttering the most. You can even rank them in order of importance. Then decide on a timeline or schedule that fits your current situation. Consider what days you can work on this decluttering checklist, and how much time you can dedicate to it. Even 15-30 minutes is better than nothing and small steps add up to big results over time!
2. Gather Supplies
Gather boxes or bins that you and your family will use for sorting items during your decluttering process. Then label them depending on their purpose. For example, you can make a donation box, trash bin, keep box and so on. It’s also helpful to keep some cleaning supplies handy to wipe things down as you go.
3. Get the Family Involved
Decluttering a whole home is definitely not a job for just one person. So get the whole family involved, including young children. It’s a great way to work together and when everyone contributes, they’ll be more likely to help keep things more tidy in the future. Young children especially like to feel included and have a job to do. Have them go through their toys and sort them into different bins or boxes. Keep a box for donations and let your kids pick a few things they’d like to donate to those in need. They’ll be learning life skills as well as how to be empathetic and generous towards others.
Step 2: Declutter by Room
Living Room
Remove anything that doesn’t belong, like toys, clothes or dishes. Clear coffee tables and shelves of clutter and evaluate your decor to see what you can get rid of. Sometimes it’s best to keep what truly brings joy or is useful, and get rid of the rest. It can be hard to let go of sentimental items or things that you’ve had for ages, but it can be freeing to let it go. And just think, the less ‘stuff’ you have around, the less time you have to spend cleaning it all!
Try to simplify your countertops by storing small appliances that you don’t use regularly. Go through the pantry and fridge and toss old leftovers or expired food. Things like dressings can pile up and before you know it a year has gone by and it’s still taking up room in your refrigerator! Go through cabinets and drawers and get rid of damaged or duplicate items like utensils that might keep you from opening the drawer all the way. To make my pantry feel less cluttered, I like to repurpose old jars and store dry goods like flour, sugar, dried beans, etc. It makes storing these things a little more aesthetically pleasing, without having to spend any extra money.
Go through your closet and dressers to sort through clothes that no longer fit or that you haven’t worn in a year. Start a donation pile for clothes and shoes. You could even try to resell gently used clothing or shoes and make a little cash. Clean out and organize nightstand drawers or other drawers that end up storing junk. Take advantage of room under the bed to store seasonal clothing or other items. You can purchase special vacuum sealing storage bags from the dollar store that can help save some space for items you may not use every day.
Kids’ Room
Again, let the kids help sort through their toys and books and find things to donate that they may not play with anymore. Try to give everything a home by using bins or shelves to organize toys. You can even label with pictures to help your child cleanup and put everything where it belongs which can save a lot of time in the future. You can also try a toy rotation system, where you store some toys in a bin tucked away. When the kids start getting bored with what they have out, pull out that bin and swap what’s in it for other toys. It’s like they’re getting a whole new box of toys without spending a dime!
Discard any expired or empty products and containers from the shower or counters. Try to make it a habit to completely use up your bottles of things like shampoo or conditioner, before buying or putting new ones in the shower. Organize wherever you store things, like under the sink, with storage or drawers of some sort. Having designated sections for things like first aid, nail care, makeup, and others can keep things organized and easy to access. You can also use baskets for the more frequently used items on the counter.
Group clothing by season, and store off season items in bins or vacuum storage bags. Invest in solutions that save space, like hanging organizers. If storing out of season clothes in bins, make sure to label them so you know where to find things.
Garage/Storage Areas
Sort through tools, outdoor toys and seasonal decorations. Toss broken things and donate any that you no longer use. Invest in shelving to maximize vertical space.
Step 3: Establish New Habits
As a family, try to create a tidy-up routine that can be done every week to help maintain all your hard work decluttering. When you buy something new, use the “one in, one out”, meaning get rid of something at the same time. Have your children pitch in and do their part by putting their toys and things where they belong.
It can seem daunting, but putting in the work to declutter your home is well worth the effort. It can reduce the chaos of family life and make for a more welcoming environment. Start small and make sure to get the kids involved. This will help them start healthy habits when it comes to clutter. Be sure to download the declutter checklist and let us know below any other tips you have for decluttering your home!